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FullHack By zkyE
Posted by provesor

Credit By : ( zaya razta)

Special Thnk'z to :
- Anak2 N3 yg bantu clue
- Google
- Forum2 lain yang ga bisa disebutin satu2
- Semua yang baca

Tutorial Inject :
• Buka zkyE Full Hack.exe
• Buka PB
• Start
• Klik Happy Cheating
• Trus tinggal ENTER ( jangan sampai klik kanan ya)

>>Fitur-Fitur dan Hotkey :

Hotkey : Up Arrow
• M.Speed SSG-69
• M.Speed K-2
• M.Speed K-5

Hotkey : Insert
• Invicible Time All Map
• No Respawn All Map
• Boom Has Been Planted 0 Second

Hotkey : F1
• MP7 Ext. Recoil
• K-1 Recoil
• K-2 Recoil
• K-5 Recoil
• Recoil AK Sopmod Point
• Recoil AK Sopmod Cash
• AK-47 Recoil
• SSG-69 Recoil

Hotkey : Auto On Harus RM
• Burst K-1
• Burst K-2
• Burst K-5
• Burts PSG
• Burst SSG-69
• Burts PSG SI
• Burts Magnum Cash
• Burst Magnum Point
• Burts Rangemaster.388
• Burts Dragonuv CG
• Burts Dragonuv DG
• 1Hit MP7 Ext.
• 1Hit AK Sopmod Point
• 1Hit AK Sopmod Cash
• 1Hit K-1
• 1Hit K-2
• 1Hit K-5
• 1Hit 1Hit AK-47
• 1Hit Pistol

Hotkey : Auto On
• 1Hit SG Gosong
• 1Hit SPASH Cash
• 1Hit SPASH Point
• 1Hit SG Putar

F12 = Quit Point Blank

Hotkey : [Home] - [End] ( Kadang bisa Kadang gak, jadi mohon maklum)
• Unlimited HP ON
• Unlimited HP OFF

Hotkey : Page Up - Page Down
• Unlimited Ammo K-1 ON
• Unlimited Ammo K-1 OFF

Tutorial :
[*] ON kan saat loading map
[*] Setelah Respawn Selesai OFF kan
[*] Jika Mati (DM) ON kan Saat Menunggu 4 Detik
[*] Jika Mati (BM) ON kan Saat Setelah Di Kill/Menunggu Ke Round Berikut
[*] Setelah Respawn Selesai OFFkan Lagi Kembali:


at 2:59:00 PM



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